The unspoken strengths of Mothers
In one of the recent podcasts of Mitti ke rang, Mishika Sharma of our podcast team conducted an interview with Mrs.“Disha Shrivastava” who’s an entrepreneur, an athlete, and a motivational speaker.
In this podcast, she told us about her life, the struggle she did, and her experiences. She shared her perspective about some common topics like depression, parenting, the effect of technology, etc. Before reading about it, you can check out the podcast on the following youtube channel, which is also available on Spotify.
She spent her childhood in Jhansi and her father works for BHEL. She wanted to be a teacher but life happened and after working for the banking sector for a while she left the job as her life became hectic, she had a newborn child and was facing problems in child care due to the job.
After 8 years of bringing up children, she realized that there’s no spark left in life. She had postpartum depression and there’s a point where she decides to jump off the 14th floor along with children. But she was a survivor and somehow consoled herself not to take that decision. She was looking for help, but the term depression is so underrated in our society that no one would’ve helped. So she decided to do something on her own, she realized that she should let all the weight let go and joined a Running group in her society to stay busy. Slowly and gradually she recovered and got into major athletics (Running and triathlon).
She wanted to do Annapurna circuit with her child as it would’ve given her kid an exposure at an early age. The conditions at the summit were very bad. But They somehow finished the summit, which wasn’t easy as the snow was up to their knees. She was amazed by the courage of her child, he was the one pushing her and constantly motivating her up.
She talked about all the challenges of the expectations she had faced. As she’s a mother, the society expects her to manage her children and family along with her work and other things well.
She realized that it’s important to stand up for the rights of females in a male dominant society. She worked for women empowerment and gender equality and taught her children to break women related stereotypes. She asks today’s parents to raise their daughter like boys, give them the exposure of surroundings, let them roll in the mud, let them live their lives.
She said that today’s parents show extra delicacy and care for their daughter in the beginning and later ask for rights.
When asked about the impact of technology on this generation’s children, she said that she’s very concerned about the issue and regularly has an eye on his teenage son’s smartphone. According to her, children are maturing too early because of technology. She advised parents to let your children live his/her age and not to sway away with technology.
She also talked about how parents and even schools are ignoring sex education and making it a taboo. According to her, that’s the reason why curiosity of teenagers increases and they start exploring these things on their own and that’s where things like “Boys locker room” comes into play.
She shared experiences with her children and how she’s comfortable talking with them even on sensitive topics like menstruation.
She also shared her views on the current generation and how they don’t want to struggle and want to achieve easy and fast success. She wants them to realize the importance of struggle in life and the feeling of success you get after achieving something from that struggle.
The interviewer asked her to share her experience as a marathoner and about one of her unforgettable moments. After which she talked about her first marathon and the progress in her performance and life from then and now. She said that “No matter which place you finished, you should always finish as a winner”.
She also shared her one unforgettable moment of life which was an event where she overcame her fear of the sea, also had a fever one night before the event and still finished in time. She felt like a real champion that day.
When asked about her favorite quote and book, she told us that her favorite quote is “if you’ve taken a step ahead…you should never look back…” and suggests everyone read autobiographies of successful personalities and idolize them.
She sees herself as a much more seasoned athlete, a little less hyper mom, and ultra-marathoner. She’s currently doing what she’s passionate about and satisfied with what she’s having right now.
While winding up, Mishika asked her the last question about what she had to say to all the people out there dealing with the lockdown. Disha ma’am advised everyone to move their bodies and put it into some work whenever feeling depressed or lonely. She said that we should live in the present rather than worrying about the future, or else we won’t be able to put our 100% in the task we’re doing. She taught us to show gratitude towards what we have.
Contributed By- Abhishek Bhardwaj, Content Writer at Mitti Ke Rang
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