Social media — good or bad.
This question is as contradictory as which political party is better, because everyone does unique work, some good and some bad and you can’t end the debate on this topic. This same scenario is with social media. There are many incidents to say it is a good place.
The current example of “BABA KA DHABA”, an old man with his wife earned a lot more than their expectations only because of social media, just a small video went viral and the public came together to help them financially, to give them the bulk of happiness and improve their life. The main basic advantage of social media is it connects people, people are so used to it now that they will prefer chatting over calling. One can work, connect, and be entertained, all in the same place, and everything is available at one place in a creative and entertaining platform.
We are so connected with people all over the world, that in today’s date and time calling, texting, or even seeing people is all just one click away. Social media is also commercialized these days, we can buy things from a pen to an iPhone, and even learning and enhance skills, from cooking to counseling, all available in the same please, and easily accessible.
Social media has a lot of advantages but as everything has its own pros and cons, it also has some major drawbacks. It is the major source of cybercrime. As anything can easily be made viral on social media platforms, many people use it for spreading fake news that spreads like wildfire. Another really worrisome problem is that it is the media for propagation of hate. With various fake accounts that target specific religion, caste, creed, or beliefs, in general, are all present in an obnoxious number and thus making it a little scary.
Online harassment happens a lot by the users who make fake social media accounts and torture or disrespect others by making offensive jokes, derogatory comments, personal insults, leaking someone’s privacy, and many more filthy tasks. Girls are the main attack of these wrongdoers, they harass them by sexting, creating and sending pornographies, threatening, and a lot more. There have been multiple cases of Instagram and WhatsApp groups where these things are discussed, planned, and propagated. To state the most recent one would be the incident of the ‘Bois locker room’. Crimes like cyberbullying, hacking, cyberstalking, etc are all most prevalent and increasing with time through social media.
It is difficult to tell whether social media is a good place or not. But it is important to note that we need to keep it a good place. Along with cyber laws that govern the activities and behavior of individuals on social media, it is important to take up individual accountability and maintain good practices. Socializing agents like family, schools, and other institutions need to understand the need to educate about the same to both boys and girls.
Contributed by Divyanshi Garg content writer at Mitti Ke Rang
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