Prophecy of Future
Since the first Industrial Revolution, mankind has been scared of future technologies. Long ago people were afraid of electricity, trains, and cars. But it always took just generations to get completely used to these innovations. It’s also undeniable that technology could cause harm in some ways, but the net outcome was usually good. This may be true for future technologies too, although there are serious ethical and philosophical reasons to be scared of them some of them are already shaping our world.
Sci-fi movies and series always played a great role in understanding and getting the idea of what our future would be like. Some technology like cryo-sleep and AI seems to exist between us already but there are still many gifts left to be unlocked.
We are used to saying that, once we are dead, we are all the same, rich and poor. In the near future, this may not be true anymore, because only poor people will die. Cheating death experience is no more fiction but NASA actually working on a technology that enables astronauts sleep for months for space travel,
Cryonics may seem very sci-fi (to be fair, everything in this story does), but it is tomorrow’s reality. There are companies that freeze you as soon as you die, so you can be brought back to life when technology and medicine will be advanced enough.
It’s unclear when and whether these people will be unfrozen. The technology to freeze people is not perfect yet, and there can be irreversible damages that will never be fixed, but it’s improving every year. On the other hand, technology to unfreeze people doesn’t exist yet.
Nowadays, death is normal. Many of us have experienced the loss of a loved one, but we knew that they had to go eventually. But what will happen when death will not be normal anymore? When will it be avoidable? The suffering will be much greater, and the idea that we will have a class of immortals and a class of mortals is scary.
All human beings are gifted with some special talents, some are good at art, some dance very well but what if I’ll say in future being a human artist will no longer be a talent because the world already witnesses an AI Artist.
In 2018, this painting has been sold at an auction for $432,500. The artist is a Generative Adversarial Network (GAN), a type of “creative AI”. GANs have been used to create music, write fake news, and generate fake people. It won’t be long, AI will create art better than humans. While most people claim that art should only be a human thing, because machines lack a “soul” or a “personality”, in some cases they can’t tell whether a piece of art has been created by a human or a machine. In other words, GANs have passed the art Turing Test. We can’t still accept the fact that AI can be a better artist than us. Art is something inherently human, right? It is emotional, passionate, profound, it’s not logical and mathematical, right? It can’t be done by calculating derivatives or using Bayes’ theorem, right?
If there was one thing in which we could be better than AI, it was art. If even art is done better by AI, what value do we humans have to offer?
Nanites are nano-robots that one day will surround us everywhere. They would be too small to be visible, but they would be everywhere. They would be in the air, in the water, on the surfaces, in our food, in our bodies, in our urine and feces. They would have a swarm intelligence (no centralized control) and they would be able to replicate and adapt.
They could be used to clean the environment, 3d print anything, cure most illnesses, explore other planets, control the weather, and do many other sci-fi things.
Would you trust millions of tiny and smart robots in your own body? I didn’t think so. The reason is hacking. Whoever controls the nanobots, controls everything. Despite the fact that a decentralized system would be more resilient than a centralized one, a smart virus would be enough to destroy just about anything. Just program one nanobot to replicate its code in other nanobots and destroy itself after an hour. And watch the world collapse. On the other hand, security grows together with hacking techniques. A technology as advanced as nanites is expected to be safe and secure. This is not enough to guarantee that nanites won’t destroy us, but I don’t think that would be the case. I think that many other things could destroy us far before nanites will.
Since the beginning humans are obsessed with being immortal in late 19’s vampires are considered to be immortal or cannot be killed now as we developed us so far this wish seems to be fulfilled soon using mind-drives,
Your body may die, your brain may die, but the information in your mind can be exported and stored on a digital device. Your mind will be a file in a hard disk, in a USB stick, or in the cloud. Then you can keep living through a computer program that transforms the structure of that file in a way that is similar to the one in which electrical stimuli transform the structure of your brain. Yes, it’s crazy to think that you can live in a USB stick, but it’s also crazy to think that consciousness has to be dependent on a biological substratum. But what if we were able to upload it into a robot and live in a line. This is another way of being immortal but only the rich one will be.
Technology is a wonderful thing, but it can also be scary. This has never been as true as it is now. We have a kind of power that we would have never imagined before. Technological improvements can only be good if they are guided by wisdom improvements. If we can’t make wise choices on how to use God-like technologies, we are doomed for sure.
Contributed By- Abhishek Kumar, Content Writer @ Mitti Ke Rang
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