The pandemic has dented our Economy beyond estimation and badly hit the industries & its employability via fresh recruitments. Rather, Companies have been retreating/withholding already offered positions. Sectors like hospitality, real estate, logistics, retail, utilities, transport, media & recreation, auto industry, etc. are some of the worst-hit sectors. There is a total lack of uncertainty & doom on what worse COVID-19 has in store for us & its much complex long-term impacts.
Given that about 85% of the most vulnerable workforce constitutes the informal economy, their social protection in India is the biggest challenge. As stated above while many companies have frozen, hiring is at an all-time low. Companies are transforming their working methodologies from manual to digitalization & are implementing it at a breakneck speed.
The pandemic has also made its dent on the recruitment process. It is gathered that the majority of companies have had to change their recruitment practices in the midst of the COVID-19 outbreak. Audio & video platforms are being used for interviews without compromising the hiring parameters. Virtual recruiting is the new normal which is helping in requiring intensified communication between recruiters & to be recruited. Job interviews now are being conducted remotely over Zoom, Skype, etc. Job seekers also have rapidly adapted to the situation and are appreciating the safety protocols in place by their potential employers.
Yet tough screening process, numerous rounds of interviews over E-platforms, prevailing tougher competition/unemployment, added physical & psychological duress due to current pandemic and above all fear of rejection make the hell out of the life for a Fresher.
To make it all easier & less stressful there are the following tips:
- The first & foremost, have faith in yourself — your core, communication skills, and integrity are going to prevail.
- This too shall pass — Meditate, relax & stay positive without losing focus on long term goals. Prepare well for the rounds of interviews. Be tech-savvy-rehearse & adapt to the audio & video modes/apps/platforms.
- Understand well about a company’s health and safety measures.
- Instead of struggling to retain the status quo, embrace the chaos and pro-tem adapt to the jobs in demand like online sales, customer support, online education, digital marketing, teaching, writing, design, etc. Your future employer will understand this.
- That the impact on unemployment may linger-on for a couple of years & may keep you away from your dream job, you may enroll for higher education, MBA, Ph.D., etc.
On the other-side, Companies may also help aspirants in easing out the situation with the following tips:
- Intimate in advance about the tool/app on which a candidate shall be interviewed & prefer to engage the aspirants in the group to help to break the solitude.
- Given the all-pervasive nervousness, be more empathetic during the interview process — this is going to enhance and improve your strategy and reputation.
- May encourage flexible working & work from home & become a true compliant of recent Guidelines from the Ministry of Home Affairs, Govt. of India on COVID-19.
- In case recruitments are to be deferred, be more vocal in informing potential candidates as to when you are opening your doors again.
Contributed By- Siddhart Jangid, Content Writer @ Mitti Ke Rang
At Mitti Ke Rang, we started with a COVID-19 community support fundraising, as an emergency response to provide a safety net to families. This will help them survive in the lockdown period. We aim to directly support these families by providing a minimum wage, through transferring the same into their accounts or partner with local NGO, Organisation, Fellow, or a Volunteer and support them with groceries.
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